Angst and heartbreak straight from my freshman year of college. Enjoy!
Little Alternatives to Crying (or, nonsensical rantings)
waiting winning losing
winning losing waiting, losing
putting that thing back together and painting it a new color. it'll stay in my chest as long as I can keep it there
last time it got out it bounced its little self all over the walls and made a mess of every hallway
those things aren't like skin
they aren't like women who are back on their feet days after giving birth
when that new life is its own the pain goes away and the essence of softness is all that remains
but when you let that thing out of your chest, if you think you're gonna get it back the way it was you are wrong
baby I rewrote The End. We changed our lives. we grew
we grew up and acted down, and it was fresh cold
I grew faster, I was so much taller and you shrunk me and stood
stood on my toes and then left me there, half buried
and you ran
you ran faster than I could, but it wasn't a bird, it wasn't like the sun
it wasn't drinking in the air like life
it was down, falling like you do, falling into countries and metaphors
yawning at emotions when they try to get out
doubt stayed awake 419 days
muted like brass, sad and unsure
but you are here
and i am here
and we tested the waters while you slept
You didn't think to jump.
I didn't think not to.
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